
On April 28, the Hyatt Regency hosted the conference "Personnel Assessment and Development Today".

What were we talking about? 🤔

- Global trends in the market of personnel training and development

- How to objectively assess the potential of candidates and employees?

- Implementation of corporate training and leadership development programs

- The future of education and personnel development, technologies and opportunities

And 10+ topics

Of course, there was an active part of the conference. The participants took part in a facilitation with Maria Khranenko, managing partner of Person Hunters Academy, on the topic "How to build a system of personnel training and development in a company".

Also, the second issue of EMBRAS World magazine was presented at the conference. The main article and cover was taken by Beeline Uzbekistan, namely the company's CEO - Andrzej Malinowski and HRD - Sofia Gainutdinova.
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