About Association

The purpose of the Association is to protect the interests of employers, create a favorable business environment and promote the growth of economic efficiency and social well-being in companies.


The activities of the Employers' Association are aimed at developing and
implementation of best practices in human resource management,
deepening of social partnership and strengthening the role of human
in the companies of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Protection and promotion ...
... of the interests of employers, including in the framework of interaction with state bodies and trade unions, taking into account the interests of stakeholders

... in the formation of a favorable business environment, strengthening the positive reputation of business structures, development of proposals for the formation and improvement of international standards and regulations aimed at achieving economic and social development
Establishing and development...
... of cooperation with other associations of employers and associations of specialists, professional and industrial associations, international organizations of employers, international organizations in the field of labor and human resources

... to the improvement of economic and social stability in the labor collectives of organizations through the growth of the efficiency of HR management, to promote the enhancement of the social partnership of the Association members in order to develop employees and strengthen the role of human capital

... in the development and implementation of projects to increase labor productivity, regulate social and labor relations and promote the development of various sectors of the economy as a whole, increase the economic efficiency of organizations and increase the return on investment
... of a system of professional standards and qualifications in various sectors of the economy to meet the needs of employers in training qualified personnel and increasing competitiveness in the labor market, using a competence-based approach and thereby supporting the development of vocational education

Advantages of joining the Association

companies have already

joined us

Strengthening the corporate

Joining the Association
promotes the image of your
company as a reliable and open
partner open partner in the
business community

Joint solution of
business tasks

Membership in the Association
opens up opportunities for collective discussion and resolution of key
business issues and protection
of interests within the framework
of labor relations

Preferential conditions
event participation

Opportunity to participate in the
events of the Association and
its partners on favorable

of professional contacts

Membership in the Association
contributes to the strengthening
and expansion of business
ties and professional

Expert support
and mediation
Provision of consultations
and mediation services
in case of labor
Organization of visits
leading companies in
different countries for
exchange of experience
and knowledge
Representation of interests in
government agencies
Active representation and
protection of the interests of
Associations members in
government and in
State bodies
Consultations on
labor protection 
Providing specialized consultations
on occupational health and safety
labor and industrial safety.
Access to seminars and
conferences on OHS
Access to analytical
Membership provides access to professional and analytical data
related to the labor market,
personnel management
and other important aspects
of business
Network of industry
Organization and participation in specialized events and conferences dedicated to discussion of topical
issues of the industry and development
of partnership relations
Using Association's
Membership grants the right
to use the Association's logo
on the website, in advertising and
printed materials of your
company, emphasizing membership
in this organization

Association Council

Image Description
Gulnora Urmanova

Chairman of the Council of the Association of Employers of Uzbekistan



February 2025
Meeting of the Association, on the topic: “Labor Market Review”
The venue is being confirmed
10:00 - 13:30
350.000 sum
(Including VAT)
February, 2025
Conference “New Horizons of Development: Global and Local Approaches to Poverty Reduction”
The venue is being confirmed
9:00 - 17:00

Research and projects


